Animal Care FAQ - Cats

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YES – your cat does require a general anaesthetic to allow a thorough teeth clean. A dental examination and clean includes a thorough exam of the mouth (including under the gumline) and a full set of dental radiographs. This requires animals to be completely still and can be quite invasive. Even the best-behaved cat will not allow an exam under the gumline whilst conscious. Without it, we cannot establish the health of the tooth and give the teeth a complete clean. We scale and polish every single tooth on all surfaces (including the surface closest to the tongue)- this simply cannot be achieved without a general anaesthetic.

The signs of snake envenomation in a cat are very different to those in a dog. Often cats appear normal initially after being bitten and some cats don’t show signs for 12 to 24 hours post-envenomation. This is why it is always important to get your cat checked if they have had an encounter with a snake- often they don’t show signs immediately! The most common sign of envenomation in cats is appearing wobbly in their hindlimbs and/or not being able to walk. Some cats will be drooly and vomit, but not all cats will do this. So if your cat is quiet and seems to be having trouble walking, snake envenomation is a definite possibility and it is always best to contact us immediately if your cat is showing these signs.

Previously we had always recommended that cats be desexed at 6 months of age. Recently the legislation has changed and cats are now required to be desexed at 4 months of age. We prefer that cats weigh 2kg or more to be desexed (as the procedure does require a general anaesthetic). If you are unsure how much your cat weighs, you are always welcome to bring them in for a weight check and we can discuss the desexing procedure further with you.

Our recommendation is to give your cat an intestinal wormer every 3 months. A good way to remember is to worm at every change of season.  If you cat is a completely indoor cat, that does not go to catteries or grooming parlours, regular worming may not be required. If you are unsure, chat to one of our customer care team or make an appointment with one of our nurses or vets. If you need some help administering the tablet (we know how tough some cats can be to pill!), we are also happy to help with this too (or can recommend some great spot-on wormers for those really tricky kitties).

Cats should receive a health check and vaccination annually. If your cat does not go outside or go to groomers or catteries, sometimes we will recommend annual health checks without a vaccination or vaccinate less regularly. This can be discussed at the time of your annual health check.

We know it can be stressful coming to the vet, and we want to do everything we can to make your cat’s visit as positive as we can.

  • Desensitisation training- regular visits to the vet where no exam or treatment occurs. Just pats and chilling in the cat room. Drop in anytime.
  • All cats should come to the vet in a carrier, preferably covered by a towel to reduce visual stimulation.
  • Dedicated cat room while you are waiting for the vet and for your consultation. Feliway pheromones in the room at all times to help calm anxious cats.
  • Pre-medication with anti-anxiety medication to keep stress to a minimum.
  • Spray on pheromones that can be used on a towel or specialised cat carrier cover (supplied by us) prior to your visit. This can start at home, just let us know when you are making your appointment and we can discuss implementation.
  • Well trained staff with considerable experience.

Our hours and location

  • Monday 8am - 7pm
  • Tuesday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday 8am - 7pm
  • Thursday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Friday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Saturday 9am - 1pm

All hours and every day,
we’re available on:
(02) 6238 1133

112b Molonglo Street Bungendore