Preventative Care

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How can we keep your horse healthy?

Prevention and early detection of diseases helps us to keep our horses happy and healthy. We offer a range of preventative services including annual health checks, vaccinations, parasite management and microchipping

We recommend all horses are up to date with tetanus vaccination and commonly also vaccinate for strangles and Hendra virus. These vaccinations can be done in clinic or on farm. Horses receiving a Hendra vaccination must also be microchipped, which can be arranged in the same appointment.

Broodmares may require additional vaccinations during pregnancy especially if going away to stud. These can be ordered in on a case-by-case basis depending on requirements.

There is a lot of information out there on worming your horse- when to do it, what product is best and how to administer, but how do you know you are getting the right advice for you and your horse? We are locals who know the changes in season and lifecycle of internal parasites so you know you will get the right advice for our region. We perform faecal egg counts in clinic so you get answers fast on whether your worming protocol is working and what product is best for your horse.

Good dentition is vital for the health and wellbeing of your horse or donkey. Our vets have undertaken intensive extra training and have the latest equipment to thoroughly assess and treat dental problems. Prevention is certainly better than a cure and we recommend all equines have a dental examination at least on an annual basis with many horses requiring 6 monthly treatments. You can bring your horse into the clinic to use our dental crush or we can attend on farm.

All horses are sedated and have their mouths flushed. The teeth and oral cavity are thoroughly examined with a strong light and mirror.

Often during routine visits, we diagnose dental pathology such as fractures or gum (periodontal) disease. Our vets may then recommend an in clinic visit to treat periodontal disease, take dental xrays and perform simple extractions. We also have good relationships with specialist dental vets for referral of more complicated cheek teeth extraction cases. If you would like to learn more about what occurs during a dental examination, please contact our customer care team.

Our hours and location

  • Monday 8am - 7pm
  • Tuesday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday 8am - 7pm
  • Thursday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Friday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Saturday 9am - 1pm

All hours and every day,
we’re available on:
(02) 6238 1133

112b Molonglo Street Bungendore