Farm Animals
Preventative Care

Book Appointment Location & Contact

How can we keep your farm animal healthy?

Keeping our livestock healthy can be tricky- often they can hide their symptoms and can be much larger and harder to treat! How can we help keep your stock on track and thriving to avoid them becoming unwell? Whether it’s a herd health issue, or the family jersey cow, we can offer the best advice and services to keep your animals thriving

Drenching advice, local knowledge, faecal egg counts.

There is a lot of information out there on worming your stock- when to do it, what product is best and how to administer, but how do you know you are getting the right advice for you and your farm animals? We are locals who know the changes in season and lifecycle of internal parasites so you know you will get the right advice for our region. We perform faecal egg counts in clinic so you get answers fast on whether your worming protocol is working and what product is best for your livestock.

We offer advice and supply routine vaccinations for farm animals. We have been in the local community for almost 30 years so we know what diseases are in our area and what vaccines are required for our region. We also work closely with our Local Land Services to stay abreast of new risks and possible disease outbreaks in our area.  We can supply vaccines for large herds or single doses for small herds and hobby farms.

We can perform ultrasound and manual pregnancy testing of cattle. We can also perform ultrasound pregnancy testing of small ruminants, including alpacas. Ultrasound pregnancy testing is a quick, accurate way to determine pregnancy and can be done from 21 days gestation.

Our hours and location

  • Monday 8am - 7pm
  • Tuesday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday 8am - 7pm
  • Thursday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Friday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Saturday 9am - 1pm

All hours and every day,
we’re available on:
(02) 6238 1133

112b Molonglo Street Bungendore