Small Animal
Preventative Care

Keeping your pet healthy is our number one priority. It can be really hard to know what product is right for you and your pet, so let our friendly staff help navigate you through and find the product that is right for you

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How can we keep your pet healthy?

Keeping your pet healthy is our number one priority. It can be really hard to know what product is right for you and your pet, so let our friendly staff help navigate you through and find the product that is right for you! We offer a range of services including vaccinations, worming, flea and tick control, and heartworm prevention and are always happy to help with any questions or concerns. We want our clients to feel empowered with the knowledge that they know what is right for their pet.

We also offer microchipping and desexing – see below for all the info.

Desexing is an important decision often made in the first 18 months of an animal’s life. It is usually their first surgery, and can be a big decision for you and your family. There are loads of benefits to desexing, and our helpful staff are always happy to discuss these with you. There is also lots of new research around what age is best to desex; We ensure our staff stay up-to-date with all current findings so you can be fully informed and make the best decision for your pet and lifestyle.

Bringing your young pet in for their first surgery can be confronting. At Bungendore Vet we strive to make you and your furry friend feel at ease, and ensure you are fully informed about the procedure ahead. Our desexing procedures all include an admission appointment with a vet on the day of surgery where we walk you through the desexing process and what will happen throughout the day. You are invited to ask any questions at this time. For every desexing procedure, a highly trained nurse is present with the very best anaesthetic monitoring equipment. Every animal receives pain relief and most will go home with additional pain relief (depending on the type of procedure). Every pet has a discharge appointment with one of our exceptional surgical nurses where you will be given any instructions and medications you require at home. We aim for every owner to feel comfortable and empowered in the knowledge that your pet is getting the very best care and you stay fully informed.

Microchipping is a legal requirement for all dogs and cats within NSW. Every pet should have a microchip at point of sale (or at point of rescue/adoption). Microchipping allows us to reunite owners with their pets, and that is why it is so important! Ensuring that your information is up-to-date is imperative, as this information is used to get in touch with you. Also, if you have purchased your pet from a breeder, you must ensure it has been transferred to your name.

There are several different microchip registers around Australia and it can be tricky navigating through which one your pet is on. Let our amazing customer care team help you out. We have access to every register, and can check which register your pet is on and get you the information you need to get them transferred to your current details. Your pet doesn’t have a microchip? That’s ok, we can implant one for you and help you out with the paperwork. Our customer care team is always here to help

Vaccinations are a key part of keeping your pet healthy and free of contagious diseases. We stock all of the vaccinations required for socialisation and boarding facilities, as well as injectable heartworm prevention and the leptospirosis vaccine. Just talk to our friendly staff and we can ascertain what your pet needs based on their lifestyle and travel requirements.

Did you know all vaccinations also include a full health check and physical examination? This helps us identify other health concerns early, ensuring your pet can keep doing all the things they love for longer.

Our hours and location

  • Monday 8am - 7pm
  • Tuesday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday 8am - 7pm
  • Thursday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Friday 8am - 5:30pm
  • Saturday 9am - 1pm

All hours and every day,
we’re available on:
(02) 6238 1133

112b Molonglo Street Bungendore